Dogsfirst Power Paste
Dogsfirst Power Paste

Dogsfirst Power Paste

  • 400g tray

Power Paste

I mostly DIY for Duds. Power Paste is my creation and it was born out of pure necessity because, as most of us will agree, finding the meat and bone bits is easy enough. At a minimum, you can find all the beef and chicken parts you need in any supermarket.

The problem is always the tail-end ingredients, the various organ meats (some of which are simply not available in butchers in anymore eg spleen, pancreas, blood, hair!), lightly steamed veg and then all those little “power” additions that power up the mix, including sardines (for omega 3 but also a rare source of brains eyes!), wild berries and medicinal mushrooms, a variety of organic herbs & seeds (pre-soaked, of course) and some tooth-cleaning seaweeds (that’s right, at a functional dose no need for my beloved Canident with this).

Power Paste is a combination of all these bits to make DIY’ing easier. It also makes a meal out of any leftovers. But it’s not just raw feeders Power Paste caters to. It’s a vital topper for dry food (hence the cooked version, they’re often worried at the whole “raw”).

For more on how to use Power Paste, please check out my article!


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